
My Martin Luthor Challenge

All Saints Church, Wittenberg, Germany

                 The year was 1517. October 31st to be exact.

Martin Luthor had a problem with some of the Papacy's practices. Now you have to understand that the Papacy was and is run by very powerful men. And men who wield great power do not like to be questioned. Especially men in religious orders. Now the Vatican, in this time, much like the Pharisees in Jesus time, intermingles much in politics as well as spiritual affairs.

Does this sound familiar? I am looking at you, the 'Gospel Greats' of America.

Anyway, Martin Luthor nailed, what is referred to as 'The 95 Theses', which were basically his opinions, and disputes with Biblical interpretation and papal practices, such as the selling of 'indulgences' to doors of All saints Church, in Wittenberg, Germany.

His intent had been to start a discussion, a debate perhaps, but his conviction was such that he felt compelled to start a dialogue of some sort. Nailing something to the doors of a church was, in that time, a way of inviting conversation with regards to the subject. But, as is typical in men who love power...the Catholic church was afraid. In this spirit of great fear, they refused a debate, they excommunicated him, they denounced him as a heretic and demanded that he renounce everything he had written.
Which of curse he couldn't unless they could support their practices Biblically, which of course they couldn't.

So they, in a great show of fear and cowardice, they again denounced him, but also as an outlaw, and made it a crime for anyone to be caught providing food or shelter for him, while they loudly and publicly called for his assassination.

I have a problem with the practices of the so called 'Gospel Greats' of North America. I am looking at you Franklin Graham, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell Jr, Jimmy Swaggart, David Jerimiah, James Dobson, Joel Olsteen, Michael Yousof, Michael Cain, Paula White, Jim Baker. My list could go on, and on.....

You have taken stances that you know you are unable to honestly Biblically debate, and you hold much sway, having ingratiated yourself in the field of politics as well. Jesus once called the Pharisees, whom we have already mentioned, a 'Den of Vipers', I do not think he would have kinder words for you.

The question is, are you, like the Pharisees of old and the Catholic church 200 years ago, afraid? Will you denounce me and those like me without a Biblical debate? Will you bemoan your 'persecution' to your blinded sycophants and the frightened people you have deceived, before boarding your private jet to vacation? How very easily you were bought.

I challenge you. I challenge you to a debate, using only the Bible. I challenge you in person, as their is a spiritual debate to be had as well, but alas, you will have to come to me as I don't peddle my Jesus, swindling and extorting millions from scared widows and people searching for hope. How you enjoy your power.

What will you do? Will you continue as you are, vain, inflated, power hungry and blind? Or will you look in the mirror, see your decay and return to Jesus. You can't fix the damage you have done, but you can help fight back. You owe Jesus that much.

Matthew 7:21-23
"Many will come to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesised in your name, cast demons out in your name and done many good works? And I will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness"

So I ask these 'Gospel Greats' to take this to the Lord in prayer and start working for Jesus, not against him.

Carey Metzlaff